Coiled Tubing & Slickline

Coiled Tubing & Slickline

We provide Coiled tubing & Slickline services for both well intervention and new well completion programs, we have state of the art Coiled tubing and Slickline equipment with expert personnel who have decades of experience. The result is consistent, competitive solutions delivered safety and in compliance with environmental regulations.


  • Surface pressure control equipment
  • Running temperature and pressure surveys
  • Locating tubing ends, bottom of hole/obstructions
  • Pulling & setting of subsurface safety devices
  • Bottom-hole pressure & temperature surveys
  • Setting of bridge plugs and packers
  • Work over/completions Tools
  • Slick line tools and accessories
  • Bottom hole sampling
  • Tubing caliper surveys
  • Shifting sliding sleeves
  • Coiled tubing tools
  • Fishing operations
  • Tubing leak testing
  • Tubing perforation
  • Gas lift operations
  • Shifting tools
  • Pulling tools
  • Running tools
  • Sand bailing
  • Zone change
  • Wax cutting
  • Swabbing